Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Diamonds are Forever...

And so is the "Forever Stamp," the non-denominational First Class stamp first sold a year or so ago.

For actuaries among us, this may be a real boon.

Consider this: If you send 200 Christmas cards each year and you figure you've still got 30 Christmases ahead of you, that's 6,000 stamps you'll be licking in Decembers to come.

Maybe you mail 20 birthday cards, bills and miscellaneous whatnots each month. 20 cards x 12 months in a year x 30 years = 7200 stamps over 30 years.

7200 miscellaneous stamps + 6,000 Christmas cards = 13,200 First Class stamps in your future.

Buy the "Forever Stamp" in bulk today and you'll pay 42 cents to mail your first class mail forever. So even if rates go up, you're protecting your position at 42 cents.

Economic meltdown aside, this is a real bargain! For a measly $5544 investment today you've protected yourself against future First Class postage rate increases. For ever and ever amen.

Buy today and save enough $$$ in 50 years to put your great grandchildren through college! Or at least one or two semesters in tomorrow's inflationary dollars.

Hedge against stamp inflation! It's like buying futures when you can actually see into the future. It's so good it oughta be illegal.

Cash in what's left of your IRA and put it where it will do some good for you--in US postage stamps.

Now if the USPS simply invests that $5544 at 8%, in 64 years it will be worth $88,700!

The mind boggles with possibilities.

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